Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Incredibale Signs in Cambodia

There has been some other posts before that one, but I have to say it's always a bit surprising what kind of signs you find in Cambodia. Don't smoke sign is well known, Do not sit on the Toilet is rare, do not clean your feet with the bottom cleaner, and do not shower your kids....Honestly, have you seen that before? Cambodia is, remains and will always be the Kindom of Wonder!!!!

1 comment:

  1. There is in fact nothing strange about is.
    A lot of asians sit on the toilet like this, and it is a more natural way. Nature didn't create us to use toilets, we were made to squat and shit in the bushes.
    In fact, this is the reason why there is more colon cancer in the west. Westerners are idiots using toilets.
